Archive for Symbols & Images – Page 4

Pentecost Flames and Dove

This image is a variation of # 328, as used on the Four Seasons Altar Cloth # 137. (See Altar Cloth page)

It could be used in a variety of situations

Christmas Bells.

This is a tiny Australian twining plant called Apple Berry, which flowers at Christmas time.

Banksia spinulosa Flowers

The Australian Banksia, native to Australia’s south-east corner, needs to be burnt before it releases it’s seed and regenerates.

The embroidery features both appliqué and free machine work.

It also looks good on a green background.

Australian Waratah

A symbol of hope and life.

Free machine embroidery and appliqué.

This image looks great on both white and green background.

Banksia seed and seedlings

Many species of Banksia must be burnt before they release their seed.

A great Easter symbol.

This image is created with appliqué and free machine embroidery.


A joyful image of beauty in creation. A combination of appliqué and free machine embroidery is used to create this image.

Risen Free

A simple but effective image for Easter.

Banksia seed and seedlings

This image is based on the Banksia spinulosa or Hairpin Banksia, a plant that grows in my area.

Here I’ve used appliqué, free machine embroidery and fabric paint.


A richly embroidered image of light done in free machine embroidery and appliqué.

Australian Christmas Bush

This is a much loved Australian plant which flowers at Christmas time. It is used widely for indoor decoration in churches and homes.

The image is produced with a combination of free machine embroidery and appliqué.

You can choose to have it reproduced with or without the plant name.